A dog’s life

It was in late-August,

the day my sister and I

returned home from

summer camp and our

old dog Pepper was not

at the door to greet us.


Our father sat us down

and solemnly reminded us

that Pepper had been

with the family since

before we were born …


But then,

seeing our faces,

dad stopped and thought for a moment.


Then he shifted gears …


He explained that

while we were at camp,

he had sent Pepper

to live on a farm upstate.


But not to worry

because Pepper will

play all day long

and live

a life of ease.



most importantly,

he concluded,

it had been entirely

Pepper’s decision.


We were suspicious,

but then,

mom appeared and

presented us

with a new puppy!


We named her, Pepper 2.


Suddenly, once again, all seemed right in our world.


That is, until,

later that night,


It was just a past my bed-time


The phone rang.


I answered.


It was Pepper.


She barked & whimpered

into the phone.


“Pepper is that you?” I asked.

“Are you ok, gurl?”



I heard a human

voice say,

“Get that receiver away from Pepper!”


And then the line

went dead …


It was then I knew father had lied.

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