Public health announcement

Did you know?


I saw a TV ad

that said,

“That stabbing pain feeling could mean you have Postherpetic neuralgia!”


And that’s true,


but it could also

mean that you

are being stabbed, too.


So first ask yourself,

does my family have a history of postherpetic neuralgia?


If no, then, ask,

do I have any enemies?


If the answer is, Yes, then

get the facts about “Stabs”©


Q. I’m a vegetarian

A. Stabs don’t care!


Q. I exercise daily

A. Stabs don’t care!


Q. I don’t have a history of being stabbed.

A. Stabs don’t care!


Get checked! Someone just may be stabbing you!

40 thoughts on “Public health announcement

  1. It was a treasure map disguised as a child’s place mat. You didn’t see the little black monolith printed in tiny ink? It’s akin to finding Waldo, but it’s there. The aliens only wanted brilliant treasure map analysts to see the black monolith and figure out its location. You should have taken HAL 9000 along with you (albeit at your own risk). Oh well. For now at least, the Star Child has been aborted. Maybe someone in 2101 can give it another try?

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