The circus

I remember the Christmas

when the circus came to town.

A few of the kids in my class

skipped school

to see the show.


There was a murmuring

in class as

those of us remaining

began to notice the

growing number of

empty desks.


“Skipped school to see the circus?!”

We whispered among ourselves.



However, the next day,

many of the desks

remained empty, and

our teacher told us that

our classmates were

in the hospital suffering from

severe poisoning,

but they would be OK.


Furthermore, she explained,

it wasn’t the circus that

was in town,

but a home that was being

fumigated for insects.



there was


in class …


“A home being fumigated for insects?!”

We whispered among ourselves.


42 thoughts on “The circus

  1. As someone already pointed out, the children decided to flee the classroom in order to attend a flea circus. If any of the children took a dog with them, I suppose some of the fleas were able to escape the fumigation apocalypse.

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  2. From the rumble seat of the great circus clown’s crowded little car, one couldn’t help but notice that the back-up cam had a bug causing it to face forward, so, from the driver’s seat, the great one couldn’t see the human cannonball coming to exterminate bugs.

    “We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future.” – Marshall McLuhan

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